Here are some quick steps for installing Vortex Integrated Development Environment
Vortex IDE beta download
On this page you can download the Vortex IDE (Integrated Development Environment for building Tornado applications). The status of the software is now early beta. We appreciate your participation in the development and testing process. This release of the beta IDE is only to be used on your development servers. Although we strive to make the IDE as stable as possible, these builds should be treated as BETA code and backups of your data should be made before trying it out.
You will need the following files:
Java SDK
Eclipse & plugins
- Eclipse 3.1.1 SDK, and Eclipse WebTools Plaf\tform 1.0 - provided by Eclipse Software Foundation at (or a mirror)
- Puakma Vortex IDE plugin - provided by WNC at our download site
- Apache Velocity plugin - provided by WNC at our download site
or you can use our installer for MacOSX, Windows, and Linux which contains all needed Eclipse software, and plugins. Also available at our download site.
Puakma Tornado application
- Latest SOAPDesigner.pmx - provided by WNC at our download site
1. Download the Java 1.4 SDK and install.
2. Download the SOAPDesigner.pmx and install it in your Puakma Tornado Server (using /system/webdesign.pma)
3. If using our installer simply execute jar file you downloaded (if you are not able to do it, try command "java -jar PuakmaVortexIDE.jar" from command line)
Or if you download software independently
3. Download Eclipse 3.1 SDK platform for your operating system and unzip
4. Download the IDE plugin and Apache velocity plugin, unzip and copy to the /plugins/ folder of your eclipse installation (created in step 1)
And the final step
5. Start Vortex IDE and click the new eclipse menu option for "Tornado Server"
Simply repeat steps 2 and 3. Note that SOAPDesigner and the IDE are a matched set, so remember to upgrade both to the latest version. If you have some strange issues, delete everything beneath the Eclipse workspace folder and the config folder (except config.ini).
Shortly a ~120MB full installer will be available which will include all the client side files (Eclipse with the neccessary plugins). In stall this then SOAPDesigner.pmx on the server and you're away.